Where To Hide Money At Home

Where To Hide Money At Home
Where To Hide Money At Home

If you do not trust your personal savings to banks and do not want to invest them in securities, take note of a few practical recommendations where it is better to hide money at home and where it is not worth keeping it.

Where to hide money at home
Where to hide money at home

Top 10 most unfortunate caches

Based on the crime news bulletins, most of the victims kept their money at home in places such as:

- wardrobe with linen;

- a box for papers;

- under the mattress of the bed;

- on the mezzanine;

- behind the painting;

- behind the mirror;

- in the book;

- in a jar for storing cereals;

- in ventilation holes and pipes;

- in the back walls of household appliances (refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine) and toilet bowl.

That is why it is not recommended to hide money in such places.

Top 12 Best Caches for Your Money

Unfortunately, in most criminal cases, a professional thief can find and open any cache in 5-15 minutes. Still, it's worth trying to protect yourself. That is why the Top-12 most reliable hiding places in the house are offered to your attention.

Use your imagination, and before choosing a secret place in the apartment, imagine yourself as a thief.

Option 1: a cache in an outlet. To do this, make a recess in the wall and close it with a fake cover for an outlet.

Option 2: hiding place in the photo frame. You can buy such a frame in a specialty store, or you can make it yourself.

Option 3: stash in a drawer with socks. To do this, make an additional pallet and lay it in a mess with socks or other small things.

Option 4: a cache in the doorway. In such a place, you can hide valuables that are small in volume.

Option 5: a cache in the keyboard. However, if a thief can find out about him, chances are that the money will be stolen along with the computer.

Option 6: a cache of vegetables or fruits. You can purchase an artificial vegetable and put it in storage with real ones.

Option 7: a hiding place in the garden. To do this, you should take a plastic bottle or jar of the required size, put your valuables there, close it tightly, glue a stone to the lid and bury it in a secluded place in the garden. The stone will serve as a guide for you.

Option 8: stash in a double-bottomed flower pot.

Option 9: a cache in a regular log. But keep in mind that it should lie in its place and not be conspicuous.

Option 10: double stash safe. Purchase two safes. In the first, put a small amount that you are willing to donate. In practice, thieves are limited in time. Therefore, when they find one safe, they will not linger to find another.

Option 11: a hiding place in a children's toy. Children usually hide their secrets from their parents in toys. Due to their large number and the eternal mess in a child's room, it will be problematic for a thief to find a toy cache.

Option 12: a cache in a stack of stationery.

If you are going to be away for a long time, it will be safer to take your savings to a safe deposit box.

But keep in mind that this is only a small part of the secret places where you can hide your money. Install an alarm in your home to fully protect your valuables. Take care of yourself and your home!
